Monday, December 28, 2009

today i was reading a problem pasted by a girl on the blog of paulo coelho.....

she loved a boy..madly in love but boy isnt aware and she thinks that he doesnt like her and he is flirt type...and she has a standstill in life,depression not happy with anything...i replied the following words to her-

hiiiiiii rajinder...i read about ur case and i will tell u what i believe in-if ur loved ones want to go let them go bcoz if they really love u they will come back...but u must inform him about ur feelings.sumtymes its a lack of communication...BUT WHY U R SAD ,u should be so happ that u have found ur love even if he isnt with u...its difficult to understand but take it this way- have some aim in life,some purpose,think what u wanted to be whaen u were young,what u like most and focus the energy of ur love towards that job....carry those good moments whaen u were with him and recall them in the tymes of despair so that u be happy...believe me if love is true,it will get the success. wait for the moment of reunion but dont make ur love ur zahir but the obsession to achieve ur aim.convey him ur feelings but dont beg for the love bcoz true love is unconditional...hope it will help u..

hope these will help her