Friday, February 26, 2010

hiii everyone,
my exams are over and for next three days there is holiday...a sort of mini midterm break...
from many days i am thinking to start something has been a bit busy and i feel i didnt utilise the time properly..
most of the time this funda works and thats why i have become one of those who speaks less but im not an is just that i speak only when i feel that the other person will respect my thoughts...i also dont like to act in a specific manner just to please others and become should have a courage to become different and go against the group if required,however in army this may be quite dangerous sometimes.
but there are some people who just cant act in a gentle manner..i cant understand why....just because by making fun of a chap who is saying against you one finds happiness or this is the protest of a group against any of its revolting member....
people want power without doing anything and when they are told the harsh reality they become arrogant....
in these cases it is better to laugh upon their foolhardiness....wise doesnt show their wisdom...
this week will also be a bit busy....service exams are coming ....i have to make a book review and many other things...
once Winston Churchill remarked-"oh you have enemies.its good as it means that you have stood for something" this one is quite inspiring....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

These are the extracts from 'the pilgrimage'...i liked them a lot so m forwarding them 2 u hope u'll also like ‘The first symptom of the process of our killing ourdreams is the lack of time,’ Petrus continued. ‘Thebusiest people I have known in my life always have timeenough to do everything. Those who do nothing arealways tired and pay no attention to the little amount ofwork they are required to do. They complain constantlythat the day is too short. The truth is, they are afraid tofight the good fight. ‘The second symptom of the death of our dreamslies in our certainties. Because we don’t want to see lifeas a grand adventure, we begin to think of ourselves aswise and fair and correct in asking so little of life. Welook beyond the walls of our day-to-day existence, andwe hear the sound of lances breaking, we smell the dustand the sweat, and we see the great defeats and the firein the eyes of the warriors. But we never see the delight,the immense delight in the hearts of those who areengaged in the battle. For them, neither victory nordefeat is important; what’s important is only that theyare fighting the good fight.‘And, finally, the third symptom of the passing ofour dreams is peace. Life becomes a Sunday afternoon;we ask for nothing grand, and we cease to demand anythingmore than we are willing to give. In that state, wethink of ourselves as being mature; we put aside the fantasiesof our youth, and we seek personal and professionalachievement. We are surprised when people ourage say that they still want this or that out of life. Butreally, deep in our hearts, we know that what has happenedis that we have renounced the battle for ourdreams – we have refused to fight the good fight.’When we renounce our dreams and find peace,’, ‘we go through a short period oftranquility. But the dead dreams begin to rot within usand to infect our entire being. We become cruel to thosearound us, and then we begin to direct this crueltyagainst ourselves. That’s when illnesses and psychosesarise. What we sought to avoid in combat – disappointmentand defeat – come upon us because of our cowardice.And one day, the dead, spoiled dreams make itdifficult to breathe, and we actually seek death. It’sdeath that frees us from our certainties, from our work,and from that terrible peace of our Sunday afternoons

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hiiiii everyone,

i have come to the net after a long time.i was busy a lot these days not with some useful work but just a waste of time....things didnt go the way i expected them to go.....i thought a lot and planned many things and worked on them also but i realized that hardwork and planning are not enough but it takes a lot to reach the is also the time and god who can put things in such a way that it becomes difficult to tackle all the issues together but then i think that this difficulty is the last barrier to the success when after all the toil the last determination is tested and if you have guts enough to overcome it yours as the whole world....

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do" these are the words of pope xiii...and i think this is how one should react to the situations in everyday life....what conclusion i would like to draw from this incident is that eveything will occur when the time will should never think about the results but main concern should be with the amount of work we are putting in....success will come when the time will be right and till then we have to make ourselves deserving it so that we can know its taste...

“My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.” abraham lincoln asserted these my case im not content because i know it could have been was not because of the lack of efforts but because of a few things which were out of my control and thats why the disappointment....

okkkk i will try my best in other things and i have learnt a great lesson-never make deals about the things which you have not earned till then. life will be easier..

thats all today...