Monday, June 14, 2010

Once Mark Twain asserted ,the well reknowned author that he had never let his schooling interfere with his education. Similarly, rabindranath tagore once commented that the great task of education is not merely to collect facts but to know man and make oneself known to man.
What do all these remarks of scholars reflect about the education,the aim and the target is our education system as a whole. Today ,taking exclusively about our society, education is so much insisted on a child that it emerges as a burden on some young shoulders. They are not encouraged to have their ingenuity in other areas different from academics. Outcome is the talent as our sportsperson who lags behind in an international arena and most of the talent is subdued. The syllabus and methodology till 12th standard is facilitated only to mould our clerkish fortes only, which was the prime aim of britishers in India. Even the higher education system less technical universities, normal syllabus again is purely theoretical and a waste of infrastructure only.
If we recapitulate the prevailing education precess we can find the irking lack of some basic constituents of education . First area is the lack of pragmatic approach in basic schooling.
It has been said that education is what survives when what has been learnt is forgotten. This education in our young mind vanishes as soon as they pass from one class to other in the absence of the knowledge of its practical use.

This utilitarian way of reaching from an essential part of us or european education systems where projects fetch marks for students rather than written exams. This inculcates the will for self learning and incites their thinking process.
Next spot is relativity and significance of syllabus in one's life i.e one's interest and carrer.

Last but most important aspect is character building of our youth. Education ultimately teaches an individual to understand , firstly himself,then his society, and the fact that it is most important for him to adore andfollow the humanity and the moral values laid in his education because that is the only way to create a better and prosperous world.
These values should be imbibed deep in the heart of the citizens of a nation rather than their minds. To be able to gather the wealth for oneself is just a part of great education process the whole education process has become a part of process of becoming opulent. Ultimately, education has failed to teach the aim of life but it has been quelled as one of the requisite to achieve the opulence in one's life and thats why despite such a big industry of education every society is flogged with the increasing rate of crimes.
Industrilization of education system and its emergence as a profitable buisness has again facilitated its degeneration.
Reforms in education process entail a much more practical approach where a follow up of western education system will be beneficial. The whole education system including the higher education should be moulded according to these lines. There is an urgent need to take out education from the jaws of industrilization. Private investment in education system is required but government should ensure the delicate balance between sanctity of education process and its buisness. Priority should be the aim of education and it can be ensured by detailed regulation of syllabus and teaching methods.
We need to prepare a delicate mixture of modern technology and ancient social values if we wish to prosper like western world keeping along with our social integrity. As it has been said that eduacation is simply the soul of society as it passes from one generation to other but never dies.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hiiiiiii everyone,it has been really long since i have written anything on the blog and many event have passed since then.....pop is after 10 days...even 10 days are looking so torna is first experience what a war scenario looks like and how difficult is the adm and logistics area along with fighting a battle......we were at a hill spur near fort torna digging up defences and anticipating any enemy attack....practiced other battlecrafts and fieldcrafts and finally came the grand event 45 km long josh run.....for me it was a nice experience as i was the navigator and i was in control of the situation.....we devaited once but again took the correct path.....overall it boosted my confidence......
so three years of training at nda is about to over...what were used to amuse me in my junior terms ,now myself doing those things and in a better this really gives me a feeling of pride....
once one of my seniors remarked that a person transforms in nda but when he passes out he is the same person as he entered this place and i feel that this is very true , atleast in my case it is.
one of the most important lessons i have learnt is that leadership doesnt exists on papers and words but it is always on the as an officer i should know what are the requisite of a situation in reality and how i can cater for them......and once again im more confident of my choice of arms and that is infantry......
thats all from my side today...
have a goodday..

Thursday, March 25, 2010

alchemy in the dictionary is described as technique to change lead into gold......but if we assimilate it into our daily lives it will turn to be reaching the purest state of personslity from a normal tells us that we r here to realize our dreams and our destiny and our true happiness lies in the pursuing the same....because then only we will be able to understand the forces working in the universe will believe that many times when he had the full confidence and faith in himself he got whatsoever he is not the our intituion works is not a coincidence.....why some people be so lucky in their lives....they always succeed what they do.....this is also not a coincidence.....but it is the simple law of alchemy.....when u start believing urself, the whole world outside,and u know the true aim of ur life.......u will see that god really exists..nd he will help u to achieve those aims in life.....
i know their is magic attached to alchemy......magic to know the soul of god...magic to do extraordinary things.....but the explanation given above is the simplest and best way to do it....
it requires two things......1.if u have true love in ur life..thats ur soulpartner. that god is in ur favour and belief in what ur heart tells u about the world....thats understanding the language of intiutions......u can say it the intelligence of heart.......
try to see alchemy in ur relations,job and everywhere....but it asks for a big cost...which is shattering ur ego and respecting every creation of the world as everything consists of god's soul...
im not some priest or philoshopher but i am the seeker of true logic and someone has said when knowledge combines with emotions it gives birth to wisdom.....
This post is about x-country run in this january in which my squadron came 11th...myself ,i also didnt came ina good timing..i could have done much better easily but i got stuck in the crowd of back runners and just couldnt recover from it..but all these things and all kind of analysis are useless bcoz in the end results count.....but what went wrong,planning or the execution of that planning....or whatever efforts i put in as a x-country captain were not enough..
what i can make out is that i went wrong with the planning....what i planned and focussed more on was not enough..this time rules were differnt...allotment of marks were in a different way but i ignored that fact and so got the result....
people were quite motivated...most of them really put in well....actually it was the good runners of the sqn who couldnt come in their expected enclosures including me ...
behind lot especiaaly juniors did very well....i think we need more trg..there is a dearth of good runners in the sqn..okk it was my laSt run in no more concerns to it....

Friday, February 26, 2010

hiii everyone,
my exams are over and for next three days there is holiday...a sort of mini midterm break...
from many days i am thinking to start something has been a bit busy and i feel i didnt utilise the time properly..
most of the time this funda works and thats why i have become one of those who speaks less but im not an is just that i speak only when i feel that the other person will respect my thoughts...i also dont like to act in a specific manner just to please others and become should have a courage to become different and go against the group if required,however in army this may be quite dangerous sometimes.
but there are some people who just cant act in a gentle manner..i cant understand why....just because by making fun of a chap who is saying against you one finds happiness or this is the protest of a group against any of its revolting member....
people want power without doing anything and when they are told the harsh reality they become arrogant....
in these cases it is better to laugh upon their foolhardiness....wise doesnt show their wisdom...
this week will also be a bit busy....service exams are coming ....i have to make a book review and many other things...
once Winston Churchill remarked-"oh you have enemies.its good as it means that you have stood for something" this one is quite inspiring....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

These are the extracts from 'the pilgrimage'...i liked them a lot so m forwarding them 2 u hope u'll also like ‘The first symptom of the process of our killing ourdreams is the lack of time,’ Petrus continued. ‘Thebusiest people I have known in my life always have timeenough to do everything. Those who do nothing arealways tired and pay no attention to the little amount ofwork they are required to do. They complain constantlythat the day is too short. The truth is, they are afraid tofight the good fight. ‘The second symptom of the death of our dreamslies in our certainties. Because we don’t want to see lifeas a grand adventure, we begin to think of ourselves aswise and fair and correct in asking so little of life. Welook beyond the walls of our day-to-day existence, andwe hear the sound of lances breaking, we smell the dustand the sweat, and we see the great defeats and the firein the eyes of the warriors. But we never see the delight,the immense delight in the hearts of those who areengaged in the battle. For them, neither victory nordefeat is important; what’s important is only that theyare fighting the good fight.‘And, finally, the third symptom of the passing ofour dreams is peace. Life becomes a Sunday afternoon;we ask for nothing grand, and we cease to demand anythingmore than we are willing to give. In that state, wethink of ourselves as being mature; we put aside the fantasiesof our youth, and we seek personal and professionalachievement. We are surprised when people ourage say that they still want this or that out of life. Butreally, deep in our hearts, we know that what has happenedis that we have renounced the battle for ourdreams – we have refused to fight the good fight.’When we renounce our dreams and find peace,’, ‘we go through a short period oftranquility. But the dead dreams begin to rot within usand to infect our entire being. We become cruel to thosearound us, and then we begin to direct this crueltyagainst ourselves. That’s when illnesses and psychosesarise. What we sought to avoid in combat – disappointmentand defeat – come upon us because of our cowardice.And one day, the dead, spoiled dreams make itdifficult to breathe, and we actually seek death. It’sdeath that frees us from our certainties, from our work,and from that terrible peace of our Sunday afternoons

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hiiiii everyone,

i have come to the net after a long time.i was busy a lot these days not with some useful work but just a waste of time....things didnt go the way i expected them to go.....i thought a lot and planned many things and worked on them also but i realized that hardwork and planning are not enough but it takes a lot to reach the is also the time and god who can put things in such a way that it becomes difficult to tackle all the issues together but then i think that this difficulty is the last barrier to the success when after all the toil the last determination is tested and if you have guts enough to overcome it yours as the whole world....

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do" these are the words of pope xiii...and i think this is how one should react to the situations in everyday life....what conclusion i would like to draw from this incident is that eveything will occur when the time will should never think about the results but main concern should be with the amount of work we are putting in....success will come when the time will be right and till then we have to make ourselves deserving it so that we can know its taste...

“My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.” abraham lincoln asserted these my case im not content because i know it could have been was not because of the lack of efforts but because of a few things which were out of my control and thats why the disappointment....

okkkk i will try my best in other things and i have learnt a great lesson-never make deals about the things which you have not earned till then. life will be easier..

thats all today...

Monday, January 18, 2010

here are some quotes which i liked a lot..

Watch your thoughts, for they become wordsWatch your words, for they become actionsWatch your actions, for they become habitsWatch your habits, for they become characterWatch your character,for it becomes your destiny.


At the heart of my metaphysic there is the ultimate question and at the heart of the universe there is the ultimate questioner

It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another, but above all, try something.

A king or a beggar, an ant or an insect- whatever yousee is my form.

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain but for the heart to conquer it.

Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work

these are the quotes i saw on paulo coelho blog...

i think they are wonderful

1] All men are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so.
2] Each human being has been granted two courses of action: that of deed and that of contemplation. Both lead to the same place.
3] Each human being has been granted two qualities: power and gift. Power drives man to meet his destiny, his gift obliges him to share with others that which is good in him. A man must know when to use his power, and when to use his gift.
4] Each human being has been granted a virtue: the capacity to choose. For he who does not use this virtue, it becomes a curse – and others will always choose for him.
5] Each human being has the right to two blessings, which are: the blessing to do right, and the blessing to err. In the latter case, there is always a path of learning leading to the right way.
6] Each human being has his own sexual profile, and should exercise it without guilt – provided he does not oblige others to exercise it with him.
7] Each human being has his own Personal Legend to be fulfilled, and this is the reason he is in the world. The Personal Legend is manifest in his enthusiasm for what he does.Single paragraph – the Personal Legend may be abandoned for a certain time, provided one does not forget it and returns as soon as possible.
8] Each man has a feminine side, and each woman has a masculine side. It is necessary to use discipline with intuition, and to use intuition objectively.
9] Each human being must know two languages: the language of society and the language of the omens. The first serves for communication with others. The second serves to interpret messages from God.
10] Each human being has the right to seek out joy, joy being understood as something which makes one content – not necessarily that which makes others content.
11] Each human being must keep alight within him the sacred flame of madness. And must behave like a normal person.
12] The only faults considered grave are the following: not respecting the rights of one’s neighbor, letting oneself be paralyzed by fear, feeling guilty, thinking one does not deserve the good and bad which occurs in life, and being a coward.Paragraph 1 – we shall love our adversaries, but not make alliances with them. They are placed in our way to test our sword, and deserve the respect of our fight.Paragraph 2 – we shall choose our adversaries, not the other way around.
12A] We hereby declare the end to the wall dividing the sacred from the profane: from now on, all is sacred.
14] Everything which is done in the present, affects the future by consequence, and the past by redemption.
15] Dispensations to the contrary are herewith revoked.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

today i want to talk about the concept of happiness in our lives...what makes us happy,is it the affluence of wealth...wisdom ,knowledge or spirituality..i really know a few who r content with their life...happy to be what they r..many of them r saints whom u can see in every village in india but they dont inspire me to be like them..its very easy to runaway from society on the name of meeting god...but it is better to face them and conquer them...when u admired someone named mata{sorry i dont remember the name} i felt a bit dissapointed that u r also trying to get the wisdom of god in this way...dont take me other way... i believe u r wiser and more experienced than me..."but what i firmly believev in is that life is all about living it for others,never asking for anything in return."and thats the true idea of being happy and content...but how can we cserve the humanity...we all know when we were young what is the thing we would like to do in best way in our lives...but most of us due to ignorance of their feelings and pressure of society and family leave that way of life..thus when this happens with most of the humanity most of us get dissatisfied with our lives ,fanally leading to misery and negative energy in society..this i believe is te root cause of most of the problems in the world as we cant take our job as our interest...i read the following in a book by paulo coelho-"when i die,bury me standing bcoz i have spent my whole life on my knees"i will say taht it means that i spent my whole life accordig to the rules laid by society,educatio system,family and the trades and trends in world,so when i die atlest then let me do what i want as my whole life my heart wept for freedom and power,to do what it wished ,to say what it thought.Have u read the quote-"i was born intelligent but education ruined me" i highly agree with it...bcoz the prime aim of education is not to teach what our ancestors have learnt but to ignite the fire to discover and search for the facts and learn them on their own,to find the world in their own way so that their creativity is retained and they can bring the changes they want to...emotions r the master, reason is the servant.once Einstein only said that mankind has been given the gifts of intiution and reasoning,while intiution is the master reason is the servant to it but unfortunately people have forget vthe master and accepted the servant.our education snatches our ability to percieve things in our own way and if we do we r not strong enough to say it to others as they will consider us mad....i see god is nothing but love ad its very simple,simplest of all bt we cant see through simple things as we view them useless..u told me about youth in america,but what u ever thought to do for them out of pure love and proud of them as ur fellow not criticizing u but this is the question each of shuld ask to ourselve for finding the true happiness i our bunking my classes right now but i feel that i will not get punished bcoz god knows im doing sumthing out of pure concern t my people...i have this concept of god with me..i dont want power or a reputation but a satisfaction that i did service to your nation when i got a chance..okk plz reply on mail if u can..that will be better